PATTERNS “One of the best ways to navigate the stock market is to look for patterns that repeat. There is a tendency for certain action...

"The Boy Who Cried Wolf" (Or, The Fed Who Keeps Crying "Higher Rates") | Crouch
I’ve been reminded recently about Aesop’s fable, "The Boy who Cried Wolf," about the shepherd boy who repeatedly tricked the villagers...

Fed Waves the Green Flag | Crouch Connection, April 2016
We have just completed one of the most volatile quarters in stock market history ... and most of the credit goes to our Federal Reserve...

Election 2016? Crouch Connection: March 2016
Although the temptation this month was to take on the subject dominating the news, the 2016 presidential election, I decided that...

Fireworks! Crouch Connection, January 2016
Fireworks! The New Year has certainly started out with fireworks this year! Although fireworks are fun to watch on New Year's Eve, most...
Utility Stocks: Income for Investors with Low Risk Tolerance
Many of you have heard me prognosticate about the safety provided by the utility sector for the past several years, particularly since...
Dependable Income for a Secure Retirement
In the aftermath of the 2009 Great Recession, many savers and investors are becoming more and more frustrated by the returns they are...